Gatsby compared to Wordpress

Few weeks ago I discovered that Amazon gives an unlimited space on its Amazon Photos service for all Amazon Prime members. If you like…

1 minute read

D7200 and f-stop micro ICU

Few weeks ago I discovered that Amazon gives an unlimited space on its Amazon Photos service for all Amazon Prime members. If you like…

1 minute read

Amazon Prime, Synology and photo backup

Few weeks ago I discovered that Amazon gives an unlimited space on its Amazon Photos service for all Amazon Prime members. If you like…

2 minute read

Welcome to Gatsby!

You’ll find this post in your directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many…

1 minute read

Clustering a file system with CentOS 7

This time I wanted to build up a Cluster for GeoServer. Suppose to have many requests to serve and tasks processed are really high cpu…

2 minute read

How I Rest From Work

Fam locavore snackwave bushwick +1 sartorial. Selfies portland knausgaard synth. Pop-up art party marfa deep v pitchfork subway tile 3 wolf…

4 minute read

How To Start Programming

Post-ironic jean shorts bushwick umami, synth beard austin hell of meh kitsch distillery sustainable plaid bitters. Cold-pressed lyft slow…

2 minute read

10 Tips To Improve Your Workflow

Asymmetrical portland enamel pin af heirloom ramps authentic thundercats. Synth truffaut schlitz aesthetic, palo santo chambray flexitarian…

4 minute read